This was me when I found out how old I was turning:
Luckily I was at my favorite lunch spot on the strip: Mon Ami Gabi.
And I was with friends...
Aren't we a darling group??
They are my first Vegas one.
It's Teresa, Viv, Melinda, Me, Julie B, and Manda.
No, not Amanda.
Yes I am 35. I'm not really sure how it's supposed to feel...only that I feel 25.
I still play with my kids on the playground at Town Square.
My BFF that I have BFF'ed since the eighties came to hang out all week! Vivian has celebrated 23 birthdays with me. We were friends for every single one.
Even the years we were roomies in college and I wasn't her favorite person.
Love you VIV!!
We always check out the atrium at the Bellagio. They totally reused that stuff from last year, just rearranged it.
It's a recession Folks.
And she took me to see O at the Bellagio
Although the contortionists below were slightly disturbing...
They could SIT on their HEADS!
Viv's favorite part were these guys who were suspended high above the stage on a tic-tac-toe-lookin board that flipped and rotated. Oh yeah, and it was raining on them.
My favorite part was the russian swings...they were flinging themselves off these swing things. Looked like so much fun! Luckily I had enough self control not to jump up from the 3rd row and fling myself off...
This girl was pretty amazing, I GUESS. Being that she hung from one foot 100 feet in the air and did crazy twisties with her body.
It was eerily similar to this picture taken when I got my first strike for the night at Sunset Station:
I almost look like I'm missing a leg...
Viv and I did soooooo much fun stuff on my birthday week that it has taken 3 days for me to recover. Even though I feel 25, I don't quite bounce back like I am.
She must really love me.
I want to give her a public shout out. She is my sistah.
You know who else loves her? George and Bella.
Come back soon Viv!
And thanks to everyone who made my birthday week awesome!!