Saturday, September 19, 2009

saturday of fun

So last Saturday went like this: Bella and cousin Hailey up at 5 am. Bella and cousin Hailey wake up George at 6 am. Grandma has smartly locked her door. George says "mama" 317 times. George dumps FULL bowl of cocoa pebbles onto patio. Luckily I only put a drop of milk in. Vacuum patio. George dumps FULL bucket of crayons onto carpet. Lots of little papers and pieces of crayon. Vacuum carpet. George dumps FULL pitcher of Crystal Lite (yea no sugar!) onto kitchen floor. Mop kitchen floor. George says "mama" 242 times. You are probably saying to yourself "What the heck was Angie doing whilst George was causing all this seemingly preventable mischief?" You should tell yourself that George moves at the speed of light and it takes a mere nano second for him to do all these misdeeds. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!!

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