Thursday, September 03, 2009

What Goes Around...

Bella came home from Kindergarten yesterday and tearfully announced that she was on yellow. Ideally one stays on green then you get a star then you go to the treasure box after nine stars. There's no star for yellow. I asked her why she was on yellow. "I was talking too much." Crap. The comment most seen on Angie's report cards: (all grade levels) "Too much unnecessary socializing." My mom thought it was funny. Keep in mind it's only the second week of Kindergarten... Also: who signed me up for a subscription to Teen Vogue? They are a weird size and I keep getting them and heaven knows I didn't order it. I don't even get Adult Vogue. Just tell me, I won't be mad.


  1. She told me that this morning. I wish I had tought to send you teen vogue, but I can't I probally would have picked something else. . .

  2. Hey Angie! It's your cousin Devin. I think that I saw your blog address on FaceBook, and I have been looking at it for a while! I am really enjoying keeping up. I am commenting because I can't believe how much your Bella looks like you - exactly how I remember you as a kid. I have a blog too - email me (my email is on FB)and I will send you an invite if you want!

  3. I get random magazines sometimes too. They are "free subscriptions" that get added sometimes when you order things online. So irritating!! Thank you for your order, here is a magazine you won't read, may find repulsive, that you can add to your recycling pile. Gee thanks!!

  4. If you get those free magazines you should cancel them. I never did and it jacked with my credit big time (closed credit card account long long story) call and cancel.

  5. That is funny. My mom just brought one of my old report cards for me and it said basically the same much talking.
