Friday, August 28, 2009

Ideas for FOX Network

The robot football guy on FOX's NFL games really bothers me.
I can't pinpoint why, so please don't ask.
I was hoping they would come up with something totally different and better this year. This thing's been around a long time...
I have come up with a few new ideas for a "mascot" of sorts...these ideas are being offered up for free, no strings attached.
That's just how I roll. You're welcome, FOX.
This guy could be jumping around and like whacking people with his stomach.
And all the beer drinking fans could totally relate and be like,
"I love this channel! It's like they KNOW me!"
Nothing says football fan like getting a tatoo on your head when your 85.

Not a tatoo? Says you.

This one might be one of the best ideas I've ever had. Especially since there are tons of protesters at Eagles games, so I know there's already a huge fan base. I think if you can outrun a big angry dog like this one, you totally belong in the NFL.
Or maybe just prison.


  1. I say big belly guy or tatoo lady. Love the photos!

    probally wish I didn't know your blog address, now I'm a stalker!!!

  2. this has been one of the greatest thing you have done I am proud of you.I like the fat guy pic

  3. Oh girl, you crack me up. I like the fat guy the best!
