Monday, August 31, 2009

Georgie Boy!

I wanted to write about my favorite little boy and put in some fun current pics.
But the reality is George has ran off with all my USB my Blackberry, the camera, etc.
He has a secret stash I am determined to find that contains the aforementioned cords, a glittery gold eyeliner, a set of car keys, remotes, and other items that when you can't find them
you go insane!
One time I thought he stashed my phone but it turns out my friend Karen Scott stole it.
So anyways...
I found a few preexisting photos, will follow with a cute little blurb and you can fall in love with him all over again.
This is George's very first NFL game. We always go to the Seahawk/Charger preseason game in fabulous San Diego (except this year, as noted here) He was 10 months at the time and a total trouper...he loved it!
Notice the old school colors of his onesie...
(side note: Bella has been to probably 6 Seahawk games, all in either San Diego or Arizona. We start young with our football brainwash enthusiasm.)
This was funny because we were sitting at the dining room table enjoying the fabulous dinner I just spent hours creating and George got off his chair, which he does a lot, and emerged 5 minutes later with these blue reading glasses and a clipboard! Like a little health inspector...all on his own. That kid knows how to entertain!
This of course was his super stylin' Christmas suit.
When I see this picture I can't help but smile...
That's why I used it for his Valentine cards. Sorry if you didn't get one. You really missed out! The little monster has awoken from his nap. He needs constant mom patrol. We had to put away many of our chairs since he learned to push them around and climb on things like the kitchen counter and the knife drawer.
Gotta go...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ideas for FOX Network

The robot football guy on FOX's NFL games really bothers me.
I can't pinpoint why, so please don't ask.
I was hoping they would come up with something totally different and better this year. This thing's been around a long time...
I have come up with a few new ideas for a "mascot" of sorts...these ideas are being offered up for free, no strings attached.
That's just how I roll. You're welcome, FOX.
This guy could be jumping around and like whacking people with his stomach.
And all the beer drinking fans could totally relate and be like,
"I love this channel! It's like they KNOW me!"
Nothing says football fan like getting a tatoo on your head when your 85.

Not a tatoo? Says you.

This one might be one of the best ideas I've ever had. Especially since there are tons of protesters at Eagles games, so I know there's already a huge fan base. I think if you can outrun a big angry dog like this one, you totally belong in the NFL.
Or maybe just prison.

Monday, August 24, 2009

1st Day of School!

My baby is in Kindergarten.
At 6:00 am on Monday morning I felt a little tap tap tap on my arm. I groggily looked over and saw Bella fully dressed in the outfit she had laid out the night before. She was so excited.
In Kindergarten you don't really need a backpack, but she picked her fave...
It could fit enough stuff for a weekend vacation.
When she came home it had one piece of paper and her chapstick.

With her buddy Will. Doesn't really want to pose for pics...

just wants to PLAY!

Georgie walked around the house calling, "BELLA!" He was confused...

The Verdict:

School was a blast, but she didn't want to talk about it.

She wanted to watch SpongeBob.

She did open up during dinner telling us all kinds of random tidbits.

And then she said, "What if you had to go to school every day?"

Oh, honey....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

CD Review: Kings of Leon

The musical genres I lean toward are usually more bumpin than this, except for a few years of classic rock and country in college. And I am not much of a music critc. I either love it or I just change the station/push next on the ipod.
This CD, from Nashville rockers Kings of Leon, is smashin!
To put into perspective:
Soundgarden + Pink Floyd - LSD + armless drummer from Def Leopard= Kings of Leon.
My favorite song is #10. I don't know the name of it because I stole the CD sans cover from my friend T-Bone and it doesn't have a track list.
If I had to give it a name I would call it "Awesome Air-Drum Solo" because seriously your arms get a work out! It's also very inspiring so you should listen to it in your car when you are driving to a job interview.
I listened to the whole album 3.5 times so far...once when I was painting Bella's room, once and a half when I was making potato salad (man all that chopping takes FOREVER!) and once when I was in the pool. Loved it every time. Thanks to T-Bone for letting me steal his stuff... If he has anymore copies I'll let you know and you can steal it too! Final Verdict: give Kings of Leon a listen!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To Comment on my Blog:

1. Hit the comments button found right after the time beneath each post. 2. Type your comment. 3. Click on the pull down menu next to comment as. 4. Select: Name/URL 5. Type in the name that will appear in the comments section. You do not have to put a URL. 6. Click continue. 7. Click post comment when finished. Voila! You have done it!

My Report on Nuclear Energy, by, Angie Lee

Here’s a riddle for you: ΔE = Δm.c² Get it? Neither do I. But thanks to Wikipedia, I am on my way to learning more about the clean air benefits of nuclear energy. Over eggs and tomatoes at Egg Works, my two friends and I tried to discuss the benefits of nuclear power and if it’s something desirable and great for the environment. This discussion began with: “I have no idea why it’s considered clean.” and “I have no idea what the heck nuclear power is!” And thus the beginning was the end. Then Manda changed the subject to “Drop Dead Diva.” Since that morning, Wiki taught me that nuclear energy is released when you split or merge the nuclei of atoms. Scientists use the fancy words fission and fusion. This energy is used to heat water to create steam to create electricity or propulsion. Which I think is like in submarines and stuff. This is considered clean because it’s carbon-free, and produces no air pollutants or greenhouse gases. So it’s great for the air, but it’s completely messing up the land. Each nuclear plant uses millions of gallons of fresh water daily, necessary for cooling all that heated fission. That water becomes contaminated and so does the glowing green rods portrayed in the opening sequence of Fox TV’s “The Simpsons.” So where does it go? Where do we put all that spent nuclear fuel? Here's a clue: not space.
The Environmental Protection Agency cheerfully tells us, “After 10,000 years of radioactive decay the spent nuclear fuel will no longer pose a threat to public health and safety.” Thank goodness! And don’t get me started on the solid waste. This is all I have time to report on. Be on the look out for part 2 of my riveting series “When Nuclei Attack” p.s. The above equation is ΔE = energy release, Δm = mass defect and c = the speed of light in a vacuum. Still don’t get it. I don’t think I’m smrt enough for nuclear energy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Today is the first Seahawk preseason game in San Diego. For the past 4 years we have journeyed to SoCal to enjoy a little beach/football action.
(Not at the same time.)

This year our trip is just not happening.

(excuse me while I grab some Kleenex...sniff)

I don't profess to be a fountain of football knowledge. Really, if you asked, I couldn't explain the zone blocking scheme, or relay a bunch of stats. But I looooooove watching football. And I love my team...

I am excited about this guy:

As you can tell from this picture, he is really, really, fast. His name is Aaron Curry. He went to Wake Forest. Which is the same school that Eric Hansen went. You remember Eric: he pitched for the Mariners in the early nineties with Randy Johnson. I can't believe you don't remember him.

I loved him. Don't tell Bret.

I also like T.J. Houshmandzade.

(pronounced hoosh-man-zah-da)

Because his name is awesome and because he dropped out of Barstow High School. Barstow is funny. (don't worry, he did get his GED)

This is how I do my sports.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

I Wish My Lawn Were Emo, Then It Would Cut Itself.

Currently I have a cut on the "armpit" of my thumb/forefinger, a cut along the top knuckle of aforementioned forefinger, and two cuts on my arm just above (below?) my elbow at the precise spot it sits on tabletops when my hand is under my chin in "The Thinker" pose.

None of these cuts were made with knives, so banning me from the kitchen is not the answer!

Bret says he doesn't understand why/how I am always cutting myself.

And I can't figure out spacing or font sizing on my blog.

Blogit! (That's blog swearing.)

How was your day?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

What Recession?

If there is a decline of folks vacationing to Vegas,
thank goodness!

Last Monday we adventured down to the Strip for a fabulous staycation to the Luxor.

It was a MONDAY evening, people, and there was a Disneyland ride-type line just to check in. With every twist and turn of the line I thought, "What day is it?" and "Are they sure there is a recession?" and "I'm hungry."

Our fabulous view from the 27th floor.

Unfortunately that was just about the only fab thing about our room in the Luxor hotel and casino! I hate to say it, but hieroglyphics decals on veneer would be acceptable at the Hotel 6 Luxor. Not at the one on the famed Las Vegas Strip!

Georgie on an overused armchair...thank goodness for the portable DVD playah!

And the beds were sucky. Five inch mattresses and flimsy sea foam green spongy blankets. (do you know which ones I mean?)

My bed and room at the Best Western in Whistler blows this one out of the water!

But the hotel itself is pretty fantastic...during the late 90's many a weekend night was spent shakin' it at RA with the girls.

And there are big Egyptian statues everywhere.

Our trip was super fun, despite the sleepless nights. And we had so much fun doing Vegas-y things like squeezing through M&Ms world.

With ba-jillions of other travelers.

*You can't tell from her award-winning smile, but Lizzy has a raging case of swimmers ear. She was a trouper!

Emily appears to be posing for paparazzi while flying above Vegas...

And one last shot...Bella was tired of all the peeps by this time. And Bret had let George out of the stroller so he was running down the front of the MGM trying to catch him. We did lots of other fun things...with the millions of other vacationers in Vegas.

And we enjoyed each other.

Here I could insert a witty twist on the "What Happens in Vegas..." slogan but I won't.

I will just wrap-up our vacay with a picture of Bret and the kids squished into a photo booth. Thank goodness I took this picture because the one we paid $5 for was Lizzy's chin surrounded by little m&ms. Hilarious.