Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blue Man Group Audition.

My son wants to be a Blue Man...
Last night my mom, Bret, and I were watching Survivor and 
the children were (allegedly) asleep.

George poked his head out the bedroom door and we saw his face.
When Bret dragged him out I could not stop myself from laughing!! 

The BEST thing is he took OFF his clothes and really got his bum good!

He's quite talented, don't ya think?  To get all those parts?  
I have an even more graphic one of his blue wiener but I will spare you...

Luckily the marker was a Washable Crayola and literally washed right off 
when Bret hosed him down in the scrubbing needed!  
And not a mark on any clothes or bedding or walls.  

And more entertaining than ANY reality show...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Balls!

Last summer we started watching the oh-so-entertaining
summer TV series "Wipeout"
And did you know that in front of EVERY Target store
in Las Vegas there are
not unlike the big balls of Wipeout...
So my children cannot enter a Target without jumping on
said balls and demanding their picture be taken...
Believe it or not there were many, many, more.
These were the only ones I saved in my phone...
(I have deleted many a red ball pic.)
Now I try to go to Target alone.
**Side note: this morning George decided to pour his own Cocoa Krispies. Yes, that is the ENTIRE BOX! ARGH!
Life is good...

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of First Grade!!

My Bella girl is a first grader today!
And the ladies know it's all about the outfit...
Let's start with the FABULOUS shoes: Twinkle Toes
TV does such a great job of advertising...
she has been asking for these shoes for MONTHS!
Then we have the hand stitched yellow tee with ruffled collar...
And her skinny jean bermuda shorts...
(can't see in this picture)
When choosing a backpack Bella looked right over the princesses
and hello kitties...and chose:
(*side note: did I ever tell you about the time she said she wanted to marry spongebob and have little sponge babies? ew. maybe it's time for the talk about the birds and the bees. haha)
Today was her BFF's first day of school too.
Except that she is moving in a couple weeks so she won't
be attending Bartlett Elementary.
So sad.
George wants to go to school too. All day he has been asking, "Where's Bella?"
She is riding the bus and I was watching her to make
sure she got on okay and forgot to snap a pic.
Oh well.
I am loving the nice quiet day but gotta admit I'm having some anxiety about her eating lunch at school. And getting back home on the bus. And is her teacher kind? And will she make friends? And...And...And...
Time to go do some yoga.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Everything You Wanted to Know About Zhu Zhu Pets, But Were Afraid to Ask.

You know the zhu zhu pet craze of late 2009? (pronounced, of course, zoo zoo)
We didn't go crazy but each of our children received a zhu zhu pet from Santa.
Of course after 3 weeks the zhu zhu pets were stashed in a dark bedroom corner.
Until now!
We have revived interest in zhu zhus! {yay?}
And why exactly am I blogging about these darn things?
Aside from the fact that they are sort of funny...
Kung Zhu!
These are the fighting zhu zhu pets.
And Bella wanted to spend her allowance on one.
A "good guy" of course.
Here were some questions for her:
Me: So how are these different from your other zhu zhu pets?
Bella: They have a hurt eye.
Me: You need a new one because of the eye? I could take a marker and mark up one of the ones you have...
Bella: {exasperated tone} Mom, they got it from FIGHTING!
Me: How do you know if you got a good guy?
Bella: {losing interest in my questions} they are red and the bad guys are blue.
BUT {renewed interest in conversation} Shayla's zhu zhu pet was a good guy but it turned bad.
Me: ??
Bella: My Kan Zhu's name is
Cotton Candy Bruise Monster.
'nuff said.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nature! And temps below 100...

Camping at Duck Creek Utah 2010

Bret forgot which way the tent went...haha

Oh now he got it. Whew!

The ultimate tent decorator...Lizzy Lou Hoo

We stopped by the Ice Caves...George, Emily, and Bret loved it!
At the top...these weenies didn't wanna go down. Except for this guy Hooray! Bret is the only non-weenie in the bunch.
Until George stepped up his game and joined him.
The next day we went to the Mammoth Caves. Significantly scarier than the ice cave...very dark and lots of spots where you have to army crawl. No thank you! Emily tried and tried to convince Bella to go with her. Lizzy refused. I refused. Bret and George went with her into a dark, bat infested cave but she wanted to explore ALL the caves. :)
Back at camp: July 6th was Bret's birthday and I made him an AWESOME
dutch oven birthday cake....
It tasted WAY better than it looked...
We ate it community style.
Georgie chillin in his chair by the fire.
Bella in a s'mores coma. HAHA!
Another successful family camping trip!
The Lees Love You.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Sunday mornings are not my favorite.
They are hectic and rushed.
No amount of planning the day before makes it easier.
The opposition really works on me....

Which brings me to last Sunday morning the 11th:

Bret had just hopped out of the shower and I came in to grab something, closing the door behind me. When I went to leave--the handle turned but nothing happened.
Not locked.
Not opening.

To sum it up: Bret and I, at 8am (before 9am church)
were TRAPPED in our bathroom!

Luckily my mother was there to help get the 4 children ready for church (might have been my plan all along, hehe) Bret took the handle
to the door off and still couldn't get it open,
then pried the pins out of the hinges and still couldn't get it.

1 hour and 45 sweaty minutes later (did I mention Bret takes 1000 degree showers and our bathroom was a sauna??) we were FREE! And very late for church.
Actually I was quite productive, organizing our closet and cleaning the fan which was, by the way, super disgusting.

At one point my mother said, "stand back from the door and sit over by the tub" and we obliged thinking she was going to kick in the door but instead we saw the lens of her camera and she got this shot:

Was definitely not "Easy Like Sunday Morning"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where's my camera?

The cord to the camera has been found,
and pictures have been uploaded to the computer!
So I was sorting through these little picture gems
and came across a bunch like these:
This girl loves to photograph herself!
I guess because she can immediately look at the picture...
Remember when we used to take pictures and had to wait to see them until they were developed? And you would have like 10 rolls of film to be developed and some were a total mystery? These kids will never know what that was like.
Have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


My tan is well under way.
Bella completed kindergarten.
My step daughters are here.
Summer is officially ON!
And so is the blog. Many random entries to come...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rule Number One as Stated by Bella Lee

Bella is watching you!
In case you were wondering...
Bella pointed out a VERY important rule in life.

She says: (and I quote)

"If you lay down in the street, and get run over by a car:
(pause) (point finger) BAD CHOICE!!"

Stay tuned for more Bella revelations....

Okay I Get The Hint...

Will and Bella on the Kindergarten playground.
This weekend we watched Will Scott while his parents went to Arizona.
The Scotts are good friends of ours and Will is in Kindergarten with Bella.
Friday night we were at our fave place...Costco.
We had a fabulous time, as always. At one point we stopped at an example station and as we furiously grabbed at the burrito/nugget/sausage Will told the lady:
"This is not my family. I'm a Scott."

Then at the checkout Will told the gal behind the cash register:
"I'm not a Lee. This isn't my family."

And again when we were getting our receipt checked at the exit Will said:
"I'm not in this family. It's not mine."

I guess we won't be adopting Will anytime soon. :)

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!

I hope everyone is doing well this fine February.
(Ack! February!)
Here we are: Kids are getting sooooo big!
We're a pretty cute bunch, don't ya think?