My Bella girl is a first grader today!
And the ladies know it's all about the outfit...
Let's start with the FABULOUS shoes: Twinkle Toes
she has been asking for these shoes for MONTHS!
Then we have the hand stitched yellow tee with ruffled collar...
And her skinny jean bermuda shorts...
(can't see in this picture)

When choosing a backpack Bella looked right over the princesses
and hello kitties...and chose:
(*side note: did I ever tell you about the time she said she wanted to marry spongebob and have little sponge babies? ew. maybe it's time for the talk about the birds and the bees. haha)

Today was her BFF's first day of school too.
Except that she is moving in a couple weeks so she won't
be attending Bartlett Elementary.
So sad.

sure she got on okay and forgot to snap a pic.
Oh well.
I am loving the nice quiet day but gotta admit I'm having some anxiety about her eating lunch at school. And getting back home on the bus. And is her teacher kind? And will she make friends? And...And...And...
Time to go do some yoga.
your so funny. I guess I'm a bad mom because Will got nothing new for school. He got a new to him backpack, and sparkly shoes. Annmarie is in serious trouble!!! Hope she had a great first day!