Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blue Man Group Audition.

My son wants to be a Blue Man...
Last night my mom, Bret, and I were watching Survivor and 
the children were (allegedly) asleep.

George poked his head out the bedroom door and we saw his face.
When Bret dragged him out I could not stop myself from laughing!! 

The BEST thing is he took OFF his clothes and really got his bum good!

He's quite talented, don't ya think?  To get all those parts?  
I have an even more graphic one of his blue wiener but I will spare you...

Luckily the marker was a Washable Crayola and literally washed right off 
when Bret hosed him down in the scrubbing needed!  
And not a mark on any clothes or bedding or walls.  

And more entertaining than ANY reality show...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Balls!

Last summer we started watching the oh-so-entertaining
summer TV series "Wipeout"
And did you know that in front of EVERY Target store
in Las Vegas there are
not unlike the big balls of Wipeout...
So my children cannot enter a Target without jumping on
said balls and demanding their picture be taken...
Believe it or not there were many, many, more.
These were the only ones I saved in my phone...
(I have deleted many a red ball pic.)
Now I try to go to Target alone.
**Side note: this morning George decided to pour his own Cocoa Krispies. Yes, that is the ENTIRE BOX! ARGH!
Life is good...