Sunday mornings are not my favorite.
They are hectic and rushed.
No amount of planning the day before makes it easier.
The opposition really works on me....
Which brings me to last Sunday morning the 11th:
Bret had just hopped out of the shower and I came in to grab something, closing the door behind me. When I went to leave--the handle turned but nothing happened.
Not locked.
Not opening.
To sum it up: Bret and I, at 8am (before 9am church)
were TRAPPED in our bathroom!
Luckily my mother was there to help get the 4 children ready for church (might have been my plan all along, hehe) Bret took the handle
to the door off and still couldn't get it open,
then pried the pins out of the hinges and still couldn't get it.
1 hour and 45 sweaty minutes later (did I mention Bret takes 1000 degree showers and our bathroom was a sauna??) we were FREE! And very late for church.
Actually I was quite productive, organizing our closet and cleaning the fan which was, by the way, super disgusting.
At one point my mother said, "stand back from the door and sit over by the tub" and we obliged thinking she was going to kick in the door but instead we saw the lens of her camera and she got this shot:
Was definitely not "Easy Like Sunday Morning"